Geez louise, this week just flew by and I haven't posted a thing. There are pictures transferring from my phone to Facebook right now so I'll have to wait on that to post pictures of the work I've done this week, but maybe tomorrow I'll think to bring my camera to the theatre and get pictures of the set and I'll post them all together. Meanwhile, here are some lovely scenery shots etc...

Dang, I made them too small so if I make them bigger they'll be blurry. Oh well, no time to fix it now. UPDATE: If you click on them, you can see a bigger version.

These are some metal horses that my boss welded at some point. They're rigged so there is a spring under the "saddle" part. My friend Molly and I rode them during our break time the other day. Needless to say, it was thoroughly entertaining for all involved.
Other than working and playing on horses I've just been trying to make the most of my time here. Some video game playing and soaking in the hot tub and enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having. Pretty soon shows will start opening and the hustle and bustle of tourist season will begin.
It's getting late and I'm a bit tired, but I promise I won't wait too long to post again. I'll do a work post sometime this weekend. It's also a holiday weekend so maybe I'll have some other good stuff too. Until then, giddyup Hank!
It's getting late and I'm a bit tired, but I promise I won't wait too long to post again. I'll do a work post sometime this weekend. It's also a holiday weekend so maybe I'll have some other good stuff too. Until then, giddyup Hank!