The exciting news of the day: We have a burn barrel outside of the shop to burn all our scraps. We could just throw them away, but what fun would that be? Anyway, there is a hole at the bottom of the barrel for wind to come in and stoke the fire. Being the brilliant genius that I am, I go up and am poking around the coals with a stick and all the sudden feel a burning feeling in my toe and announce very calmly "Yeah, I think my foot is on fire." I just happened to put my foot exactly in the hole in the bottom, resulting in a slight burning feeling in my toe for a few moments and the melting of the front of my shoes. Thankfully it didn't melt all the way through, but it is certainly noticeable. Whoops...
Also, I've been eating too much cake this week. We had a potluck on Monday night and since CRT is 45 years old this year, they had cake and after the potluck they brought the cake to the Bordello, which is the common area for the housing and I have been sneaking down there and taking a piece after almost every meal. Large pieces. Mmmmmm
Other than that I've been doing a lot of working and eating and playing video games, so pretty much all is well. Things are starting to pick up and we're getting busier and working more hours, but I welcome it because I've been a little restless lately after work, especially when the weather goes all funky and I can't go outside. So I'll keep y'all updated, maybe take some pictures of stuff I'm building. Thanks for following!
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