We are working on a show right now that needs to go up in like a week and then a week later the next show goes up. So we are working 12 hour days, six days a week. It's a little intense and tiring etc. Which is why I haven't been posting much. Also we were without internet for a couple days. But I'm taking the time tonight to post a little something just to keep you all up to date.
Sunday we got out of work a little early because we were all beat and we just couldn't make it the last few hours. That night we had a fire and one of the company members (with much help) arranged and cooked a huge brunch for the whole company. There was quiche and bacon and potatoes and tasty drinks. It was delicious and fun to hang out with everyone.
Yesterday was our day off and it was full of fun and adventure. A lot of people went on a big hike in the morning, but I stayed back because I was exhausted and also did not get up early enough to prepare and go. So instead I sat outside and read in my bathing suit top just long enough to get a horrible sunburn on my torso and legs. I wish I could get a good picture of it, because it's pretty epic, but I just can't capture how bad it really is.
The big happening of the day was the bowling ball cannon shoot. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Some guy built a homemade cannon that shoots bowling balls and he shoots it off every year.

He shot it off three times. The first time was aimed at a fallen tree on the hill (got pretty close). I have a video of it, but with my internet connection, I can't get it to upload. The second one was shot more or less straight into the air a quarter of a mile high and when it came back down you could hear the wind whistling through the finger holes. The third shot was called the "Karma Shot" which was shot straight into the air and ended up landing beyond the hill. It was hilarious and another reason I just love this town.
To top off the day, we went to the drive in to see Iron Man 2, which of course was awesome. We got there in time to have something to eat and play on the playground. Yes, there is a playground at the drive in and we all played on it like children.

We had four or five vehicles there. We even put a comfy love seat in my friend's truck, and I was one of the lucky ones who got to sit in it. :)
It was a good day off, but not nearly long enough. And of course now I am suffering the consequences of sitting out in the sun unprotected. But soon it will pass and be a lovely tan. Overall everything is going well. Just working hard and trying to have fun too. Our next day off is a big rafting trip, so plan on hearing about that. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens between now and then.