In the manner of Creede, the first place I went when I arrived, at the insistence of my friend Kat who drove me from the airport, was Tommyknocker Tavern, or Tommy's as it is normally referred to. This is my main hang out and the most likely place to see all my old friends, so I have spent the last two nights there hanging out and catching up and playing a lot of foosball. Last night I scored my first goal after endless rounds of playing with people who spend all winter playing this game. It was very exciting.

Nothing too exciting has happened but I wanted to start up the ol' blog again and keep you all up to date on my life in the wild wild west. I did some work yesterday helping my friend Molly tear out the seats and platforms in the old black box theatre, which is being replaced by a new space down the road. But my contract doesn't start until next Tuesday so mostly I plan on taking it easy and enjoying some down time before the major work begins.
On Saturday Tommy's is hosting a Luau with a pig roast and the whole shebang, so that should be a a lot of fun. I will definitely be taking lots of pictures, so look out for a post about it on Sunday or Monday. For now I think I'll go outside and clean off the patio furniture and sit in the sun and do some reading or journal writing. Can't let this gorgeous weather go to waste. It's good to be home!
On Saturday Tommy's is hosting a Luau with a pig roast and the whole shebang, so that should be a a lot of fun. I will definitely be taking lots of pictures, so look out for a post about it on Sunday or Monday. For now I think I'll go outside and clean off the patio furniture and sit in the sun and do some reading or journal writing. Can't let this gorgeous weather go to waste. It's good to be home!
This is such an excellent post! That rock is really cool! I'm glad things have started so amazingly and I look forward to reading what else you get up to the rest of this spring and throughout the summer. XOXO