Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hiking and Monster Mash-ing

The Monster Mash was a perfectly amazing night. But I'll get to that in a minute. First, here are a few pictures from the hike I went on with Molly, Heather and Anthony last Friday:

We hiked out on the Miner's Creek trail. I don't know how far we went but the whole trip out and back took about three hours.

My hiking buddies.

The sun was setting as we walked back, which made for some beautiful skies.

I was exhausted after work but I'm glad I went on the hike; it felt really good to get out in that beautiful nature that is all around me that I haven't been enjoying nearly enough this summer.

Sunday's Monster Mash was a huge hit. A lot of people showed up--theatre and locals alike--and almost everyone came up with a really great costume. It was so good to just let loose and have a great time without any worries or drama or having to get up for work in the morning. The main attraction was the dance floor, so that's where most of the pictures were taken. And boy were there a lot of pictures taken. Here are a few to give you a good idea of the costumes people had:

I was a figure skater, Molly was "Babe-raham" Lincoln, Travis was a viking and Maggie was a boyscout.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

We had been talking about doing this party for a long time and I am so glad we actually made it happen. And just in time before I leave! I only have about five days left, so I am trying to make the most of the rest of my time here. On Monday the company was invited to Red Mountain Ranch and I went for a few hours but I will save that for another post since there is already quite a bit to take in in this one. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and I will be back soon to share more!

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