Earlier in the month Tyson mentioned his birthday was coming up. I knew it was in February, but I said "...the 12th?" and he said no. So then I listed almost every number before that until I got it right: the 7th. I felt pretty bad that I didn't remember, because I know he had told me, but I can't remember everything, as much as I would like to. Of course, the other day his roommate was listening to country music and I was singing along to all the songs and Tyson remarked upon how I know the lyrics to "every country song, ever." Maybe if he
sang his birthday to me, I would have remembered it. Anyway, It occurred to me later that the 12th is Abraham Lincoln's birthday, which is probably what I was thinking of. So really Tyson should be flattered that I mistook him for a pretty cool former president. I'm sure he doesn't think of it that way, though. He was probably thinking if I know the lyrics to "every country song, ever" why can't I remember his birthday?
Oh well, the point is when I did remember I asked him what he wanted to do and he didn't have anything in mind so I told him I would cook him anything he wanted for dinner. I thought he might pick something he knows I can make and that he likes, but that would have been too easy. But I did say
anything. So he decided on Steak au Poivre with a balsamic reduction, frites with cajun seasoning, and salad. I had never made Steak au Poivre before, so I was nervous but I found a fairly easy recipe and did my best.
On the night, I told him he couldn't come over until I told him he could. Mostly I was thinking if I failed horribly and dinner was a disaster, he wouldn't be able to see and I could recover somehow before he got there. Also, since my house was a bit of a mess (due to burst pipes, which I will explain in the next post) I wanted to set up the living room to look a little nicer. So I put up sheets to cover the messes and set up an improv table (we have no actual table of any kind) and generally made the place presentable. When I had most of the food done and it appeared nothing terrible would go wrong, I told him he could come over. He brought the wine and when the food was ready we loaded up our plates and sat at our picnic fort and had a lovely dinner.
The steak was good, the potatoes were a bit over cooked, the salad was salad, but it did have homemade croutons and homemade vinaigrette. Yum! |
Overall it was a success. Tyson seemed happy, which all that matters. Beej the dog was also very happy since he was tossed quite a bit of steak during dinner.
Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday so I figured it was a good day to post. I don't have anything planned for him but maybe I'll make a toast at the Mardi Gras party tonight (at the underground community center). Tune in soon to learn about my water pipe shenanigans. Thanks for reading!