I mentioned a few posts back about an incident that occurred in my house that involved pipes freezing and bursting and I am here to tell the story and show you the proof. Back in early/mid January it was consistently around 30 to 40 degrees below zero every night for a couple of weeks or so. Needless to say, it is hard to keep a very poorly insulated trailer warm in that kind of weather. So I had problems with the pipes freezing pretty much every day. One day while I was home (
Thank GOD) I had the kitchen and bathroom sinks turned on waiting for the pipes to unfreeze when I finally heard water running. However, when I went to investigate, the running water was not coming from the kitchen, nor was it coming from the bathroom. I looked into my bedroom where the sound seemed to be coming from but didn't see anything, until I looked under the bed. There I saw a veritable geyser shooting out from my pipes into my bedroom. Naturally, the first thing I did was fly outside and turn the water off. Then I called my landlord to tell her what had happened. She sighed and said her husband would be over soon. So I got to work taking my bed out so he could get to the problem area. He came over and checked it out and said he would have to come back the next day to fix it. So the next day I went to work and not long into the day got a call from my landlord saying while Jeff was fixing the pipes they burst in another place and I had to get there to help clear the room out. So I called my boss to make sure it was ok that I left the store and headed down to assess the damage. It wasn't quite as bad as I was envisioning, but the whole floor was soaked. So with help from dear Tyson I got everything out of the room and started to pull up the carpet.
The flooded room. We thought about letting it freeze so we could have an indoor skating rink. |
It was a nasty job, and that soaking carpet was
pretty heavy. We pulled the carpet out and my landlords decided to put tile down instead of putting carpet back in. This was January 15th. After a couple weeks of no progress in getting my room fixed--and all my stuff scattered about the house, and me sleeping in the living room--I finally got a hold of them and asked when it was going to get done. Turns out there was a lack of communication between them and they both thought the other was taking care of it. After my friendly reminder they finally got their acts together and by February 7th the tile was down and my room was finally ready to be my room again.
The finished product. Back to normal--finally! |
I wasted no time in getting everything put back and my house back to normal. The only casualty was a cheap-o bookshelf from Wal-Mart. I kept the pieces and bought some brackets and repurposed the shelves into new shelves.
Shelves turned into shelves make great shelves! |
It felt so good to get everything back where it belonged and to have a clean living space again. Thankfully after this we had a run of pretty warm weather so I haven't had any fear of a repeat incident. Hopefully I won't have to worry about it at all anymore.
So that is the story of the Not-so-Great Flood. It certainly made for another good story to add to my memoirs. Not sure what I will post about next, but I'm sure I will come up with something. Maybe something from last summer. It will be nice to relive some events from a warmer time.
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