So, a week ago today I had a day off and had a great post to do about it but somehow a week went by and it didn't get done. But here it is. Last Tuesday I had the day off and it was beautiful out and my friend Cory (owner of my dogfriend Rio) said he was going to be working all day, leaving Rio all alone at the house. So I gladly offered my dog walking services so Rio wouldn't have to be cooped up all day by himself. So in the afternoon I went by and picked him up and we took a walk up into the canyon and it was marvelous.

The underground mining museum.

I had a hard time keeping up with Rio, so he had to stop and wait for me quite a few times.

We went up the road to a spot in the river where Rio could jump in and cool off and then we headed back down.

Along the way there are all sorts of old mining buildings.

We stopped at the bottom of the hill to cool off again.

I put my feet in but only for a minute. That water is COLD.

When we got back I picked up Bristol, who spent some time with us in the pods and still likes to come over and hang out. He wasn't into playing so I took Rio back home and walked Bristol down to the shop where Molly was working.

Pauli and Bristol hanging out in the shade on the break couch.
It was a great day to be outside and spend time with my furry friends. I had yesterday off (and today too, yay!) but it was spend relaxing and being pretty lazy. I'm not sure what today holds, but if it's worth sharing, I'll be sure to post about it sooner rather than later.
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